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Point Nepean National Park

Point Nepean National Park

Point Nepean National Park in Portsea offers a unique opportunity to visit historical sites in one of Victorias most infamous National Parks. Closed for over 100 years, now open to public you can walk, ride a bike or take a guided tour along coastal and bush tracks to the tip of the Mornington Peninsula, past the old Quarantine Station, World War II military defenses and the site of Harold Holts disappearance at Cheviot beach.



Discover the importance of these historical precincts which includes the Quarantine Station which has almost 50 heritage listed buildings, military fortifications where you can explore tunnels, forts and gun emplacements from which the first allied shots of World War I and World War II were fired. Cheviot Hill is the park’s highest point and contains World War II fortifications and overlooks Cheviot Beach, the site where former Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace in December 1967, explore the Eagles Nest and Fort Pearce dating back to the 1880s with stunning views of Port Phillip Bay, Bass Strait and Port Phillip Heads.